Jai Peerian Di ---- Bol Sache Darwar Ki Jai

Hazrat Badiuddine Zinda Shah Madar ( Radiallahu Ta’ala Anhu)

Hazrat Sayed Badiuddin Zinda Shah Madar is a prominent sufi saint whose tomb is situated in Makanpur, near Kanpur city in the State of Uttar Pradesh in INDIA. Pilgrims Travel to Makanpur by bus services and jeeps from the Kanpur City railway station. Other way to reach by airlines is from Lucknow. The annual Urs Mubarak is celetbrated with great charm and the pilgrims crowd over from various parts of the country as well as foreigners attend the function with faith. The people are blessed with the prayers of the sufi saint who lived for 596 years. He is also known as Qutub-ul-Madar.

Makanpur was originally known as Khairabad in 818 Hijri according to the Islamic calender. The province was florished with the arrival of Hazrat Sayed Badiuddin Zinda Shah Madar and got fame and developed as years passed. It is said that this province was named as Khairabad after Hazrat Khairuddin (R.A) by Hazrat Sayed Badiuddin Zinda Shah Madar.

This name was changed to Makanpur, when Hazrat Khairuddin (R.A) was crowned with the title of 'Makkan Sarbaaz' by the great saint Hazrat Sayed Badiuddin Zinda Shah Madar.

The Tomb of Hazrat Sayed Badiuddin Zinda Shah Madar was built by the Emperor Ibrahim Sharki Jaunpuri and some of the work was carried out by the Emperor Humayun too. He gave most of his wealth in charity after conquering Kannauj. Monuments made by Emperor Akbar and Emperor Shahjahaan still stand in the dargah compound.
Most of the constructions were done by Emperor Alamgeer (R.A) which attract the attentions of the pilgrims today, in which are Alamgeeri Mosque, Alamgeeri well, Alamgeeri Sarai, the Bridge over the Isan river and the Road to Makanpur from Kannauj.
There are two Deg (vessels) in the compound of the dargah premises. The bigger one is known as the Shahjahaani Deg which is made of copper, and the smaller one was placed by the king Datya of Madhya Pradesh.

Only some prominent members of the dargah shareef are allowed to enter the tomb which was constructed by Emperor Ibrahim Sharki and no women can enter the Haram-e-Saani nor anyone is allowed to take the Chirag or cooked food in this area. If any female attempts to enter the Haram-e-Saani, she get annoyed and irritated as if she has caught fire. This type of miraculous activities are still seen in this present era.

Miracles : Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) feed Madar Sahib

When Hazrat Sayed Zinda Shah Madar Sahib reached India and as he got down the shore from the ship, he was surprised to see an old man waiting for him there, who wished Salaam to him with his name. On asking how do you know me ? .. the person replied, “there is no one that doesn’t know you, in some time the whole world will be knowing you”. And he requested him to follow him as his Master has invited Madar Sahib. Following him was a miracle as he went through the jungles he saw a cave which was very huge and with many doors in it. On each door there were guards who looked as if angels, and all wishing the Salaam to Madar Sahib as he passed through each one of them. When Madar sahib reached the extreme inside of the cave, the eyes were surprised as there was a throne in the middle that was glowing with light and The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was visible sitting on it.

The Prophet ordered him to sit beside Him, and said to him that his prayers had been accepted by the almighty Allah. And at the instance there come many angels from the skies holding plates of food in the hand. From that the Prophet hold a bowl of sweet rice and served nine bites to Madar Sahib. With each bite Madar Sahib got the ability to see through the sky and through the earth. The eternal powers increased with every bite. Then prophet dressed him with a gown and gently rubbing His hands on Madar Sahib’s face told him,” From today onwards you will never feel hungry, nor you will be thirsty and never will your clothes be dirty”. With these words he stood up and handed over the throne to Madar Sahib and said that this throne will be your vehicle throughout your journeys, whenever you wish this throne will fly and carry you to your desired place.

As it was the miracle from the almighty Allah, it was in vein for Madar Sahib to eat, drink and sleep.

This kind of being need not have the care to eat or drink, instead never compares anything but for him gold and sand are of same value. He sees the world as if seeing a small quantity of grains in his palms. It is all up to his wish that he needs to walk on water as if he is walking on sand, or else just order the throne to fly him to the desired place.

Hazrat Gulam Ali NaqshBandi Mujdiddi has said in his book Darul Muaarif , page no 243, that Qutubul Madar had the blessings from Allah upon his prayers he asked, that he need not feel hungry now thirsty, and he got it. The rest of his life went the same way.

Hazrat Abdul-haq Dehelvi had said in his book, Akhbarul Aakhiyaar, that the life of Sayed Badiuddin was apart from all, as he did not eat for years and never changed his clothings. It is also said that no one was able to see his faced with naked eyes as it had intensive light. The one who tried to see was had to bow down due to the intensity of light coming from Madar Sahib’s face.

These events are also mentioned in the books Foosul Masoodiya and Tajkiratul Muttakee

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